I only clocked this the other day ibr 😅
Nines' infamous mascot Crop Cat is quite obviously based on the cartoon character Top Cat 😸
While that may have been a no-brainer for some, in my defense that cartoon is quite old. I probably wouldn't even know what Top Cat is if I had satellite TV growing up lol 📺
The creation of Crop Cat was a savvy marketing play on Nines' part. He's already started making toys. It's not hard to imagine the character on a cereal box or in an animated series 🥣
Not to mention, Top Cat had a team of alley cats to scheme with. So it wouldn't be surprising to see Nines develop more characters down the line. Especially with him producing movies now; he defo sees the play 👀
"Top Cat, a clever hustler whose close friends get to call him TC, leads his faithful followers Benny the Ball, Choo Choo, Brain, Fancy-Fancy and Spook in assorted scams, gambling activities and harebrained stunts, all in the pursuit of a fast dollar." - IMDB